*This post is currently under work. I felt like posting it's partial content in the meantime. I apologize that the update took til late in the week. I have been suffering from acute sickness. This is a message for not only Ms. Wright, but for the additional readers of this blog, and my personal. Trans-gression will receive a regular update tomorrow, 2/17/11. See you there!*
*Note: for those who don't know, a "ROTC-Nazi" is a ROTC cadet who is anal about rules and procedure. Basically and OCD person in uniform. Often pricks.*
Blogger doesn't like me. This is try 3 to write this.
It took me til last night to figure out where to go with this weeks posts. But before I get into it, you need a little back story.
When I went into 9th grade I fell in love. No, not with a person (but I would by the end of that year). I fell in love with AFJROTC. Yes, tranny old me was a ROTC-kid. I was really into it to. It consumed me until I was forced out after I was in the hospital. That was the beginning of my transition, but I have to attest that I would not be alive today if it were not for that program and a man named Chief Master Sergeant Thomas Pitzer. Last night, I went to a BoE meeting for my HS about him retaining his job, so ROTC is still fresh on my mind.
Return back to my room and with a refresh click I was led to http://www.columbiaspectator.com/2011/02/16/college-dean-speaks-out-favor-rotc. This is regarding Columbia College's reinstatement of an ROTC program. Now, I went around multiple news sources, and across the board, most articles seemed rather uninformed, but the gist of every article included that there was fear of transgender students would be discriminated by such a program on campus.
You'd think this would have a simple solution: transgender students wouldn't even WANT to apply. Thing is, I know the feeling. ROTC is a wonderful program (and helps you pay for school too), but the members themselves are often over testosteroned and emmasculinizing. The harassment to MtF transsexual students is an obvious asshole-target. I know I had the assholes when I was in ROTC in HS. They're still there.
Also, I regret to say I forgot to see this from the point of FtMs. Yes, while the transgender community transgresses gender boundary, we still fall into gender stereotypes. Transboys interested in the military isn't uncommon. Of course, the military itself discriminates based on its own based on this. The military still currently has the ban on legally female military members from serving on the front line (this is on track to change).
The ROTC is not much different. There's not a "frontline", but the application process can be daunting to someone who is already scrutinized by peers daily anyway.
*This post is currently under work. I felt like posting it's partial content in the meantime. I apologize that the update took til late in the week. I have been suffering from acute sickness. This is a message for not only Ms. Wright, but for the additional readers of this blog, and my personal. Trans-gression will receive a regular update tomorrow, 2/17/11. See you there!*
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